Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Story

I first heard about marijuana when I was 9 years old, taking DARE classes knowing that my older brother was smoking this stuff.  On my field trip later that school year I remember thinking I could save the money my mom gave me for souvenirs to buy weed when I got older.  Little did I know in less than a month I would be a full blown stoner, smoking with my brother, and without.  Some may say thats crazy, smoking at 9 years old, but why delay the inevitable? 

I barely remember a time in my childhood and teen years where weed wasn't a part of my life.  It was like being reborn in a sense and I liked the new me.  I was a constant target for bullying back then due to my weight and name (Ronald often called Ronald McDonald) and weed helped me escape that and use my energy on better things.  My dad has always been an alcoholic, often times drinking while at work and then passing out on the couch within an hour of being off work. 

My mother worked 2nd shift, my older brother was always away at friends or working so that left me to fend for myself.  Parents constantly arguing and screaming at each other, along with my previous experience with marijuana led me to become the person I am today.  A peaceful stoner, who uses for recreational and medical needs.  I suffer from bipolar disorder or that is what i was diagnosed with long before I started smoking.  I prefer to call it ADHD or whatever other label they want to put on me.  To the people that say marijuana is a gateway drug I say you are full of it. 

I will admit I have been addicted to other things (cocaine, prescription pills) when I was a teen, but the love of herb and my self respect got me away from it. 10 years sober and in the process of a month long cleanse for employment I'd like to ask them how it can be addictive or a gateway to other things.  Ganja freed me as a child, and allowed me to let go of hostility I developed over my family situation, it relaxes me in a way that no prescription drug could do.  When I was 17 I was arrested and charged with breaking and entering, a factor of my cocaine addiction. 

At 19 I was convicted and served 2 years of probation until I was 21.  During those two years i took weekly drug tests, 104 tests in all.  At $20 each covered by the state of NC I was deemed clean.  Not knowing the whole time I was high, drinking cleansers I bought at GNC every single week.  Waste of tax payers money if you ask me but who am I to judge?  In my life there is one thing I have come to know and trust in, and that is there are two things that will never judge you, betray you or leave your side.  One is good ol mary jane, the other is pets.  Huge animal lover what can I say?  Marijuana has prevented me from one thing, falling in the cracks that my father and grand father fell into. 

Alcoholism runs in my family and I remember being 5 and swearing to God i would not put my kids through what I went through.  What 5 year old even thinks of having children of their own?!  I can honestly say if it wasn't for this gift, I would be dead, a drunk or a sociopath looking for my next victim.  I refuse to go down the road that was set out before me, and im enjoying my detour.

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